Nationality: Armenian or persons with Armenian roots
- Age: 7-15 years
Level of Armenian: understands the Armenian language, can’t write and read in Armenian
- Place of residence: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Greece, Lebanon, Syria, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela
- Course payment terms: 10% of the course cost in full*
Scholarship application and required documents (passport/document confirming the applicant's residence in this region)
The conformity of the submitted applications is being checked
If the criteria are met, all applicants undergo a remote interview with the management of the Foundation according to the established schedule, which decides on the grant of a scholarship.
After the scholarship is approved, the applicant is included in the appropriate group.
The M.A.M Foundation is launching its first project, which aims to make 1,000 children living in the Diaspora Armenian-speaking in the near future.
M.A.M within the framework of the program developed according to the special methodology of the M.A.M educational movement is planned to implement a 6-month educational program during which children living in the Diaspora aged 7-15 years will become knowledgeable in the Armenian language, develop Armenian vocabulary and speech, acquire age-appropriate knowledge of Armenian studies and become closer to their Armenian roots.
Within the framework of the project, M.A.M and M.A.M Foundation establishes an 90% scholarship for the course.
The main regions of the project were chosen: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Greece, Lebanon, Syria, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela and other countries by the decision of the Fund.
The choice of countries was based on the high level of assimilation of Armenians living there, the countries’ economic crisis, and other factors.
Scholarship procedure
The scholarship can be awarded to applicants who meet the following criteria:
The scholarship is granted according to the following procedure:
* in some cases may not apply
3% funded
Nationality: Armenian or persons with Armenian roots
- Age: 7-15 years
Level of Armenian: understands the Armenian language, can’t write and read in Armenian
- Place of residence: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Greece, Lebanon, Syria, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela
- Course payment terms: 10% of the course cost in full*
Scholarship application and required documents (passport/document confirming the applicant's residence in this region)
The conformity of the submitted applications is being checked
If the criteria are met, all applicants undergo a remote interview with the management of the Foundation according to the established schedule, which decides on the grant of a scholarship.
After the scholarship is approved, the applicant is included in the appropriate group.
The M.A.M Foundation is launching its first project, which aims to make 1,000 children living in the Diaspora Armenian-speaking in the near future.
M.A.M within the framework of the program developed according to the special methodology of the M.A.M educational movement is planned to implement a 6-month educational program during which children living in the Diaspora aged 7-15 years will become knowledgeable in the Armenian language, develop Armenian vocabulary and speech, acquire age-appropriate knowledge of Armenian studies and become closer to their Armenian roots.
Within the framework of the project, M.A.M and M.A.M Foundation establishes an 90% scholarship for the course.
The main regions of the project were chosen: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Greece, Lebanon, Syria, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela and other countries by the decision of the Fund.
The choice of countries was based on the high level of assimilation of Armenians living there, the countries’ economic crisis, and other factors.
Scholarship procedure
The scholarship can be awarded to applicants who meet the following criteria:
The scholarship is granted according to the following procedure:
* in some cases may not apply